
The Friends are registered with the Charity Commission – Charity No: 286165

We would like to thank the Amwell Rotary for their very generous donation and their continued support during these very difficult time.

Whatever the level of state funding received by the NHS, the continual advances in medical science, coupled with longer life expectancy, mean there will always be opportunities to provide standards of care which cannot be afforded. It is part of the Friends’ role to raise money to finance some of these opportunities and to enhance the quality of life which our patients deserve.

There are several ways in which you can help us financially:

  • Online donations
  • Payment by cheque
  • Easy Fundraising
  • Using our QR code
  • Old or Foreign Coins
  • Donating items to our shop

Online Donations

Simply click the button below and follow the instructions

Payment by cheque

Cheques made payable to Friends of Danesbury and QVM can be sent to:

Friends of Danesbury and QVM
Danesbury Neurological Centre
School Lane 

If you are a taxpayer, you can  increase the value of your donation by 25% with no additional cost to you, to do this print the Gift Aid form and send it to us with your donation. If we have your address, we are also able to acknowledge your contribution.

Easy Fundraising

If you shop online the Charity can raise money at no extra cost to you through

If you would like to continue to support us this way, it’s simple:-

Go to, (if this does not take you straight to the Friends of Danesbury and Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital page, then enter the charity name in the ‘Search for cause’ field).

Click on ‘Support this cause’.

Create an account or if already registered ‘login’.

Start online shopping by clicking on the appropriate company logo.